
12 March 2011


nce upon a time, there used to be three persons from amoung the Children of Israel. One of them was a leper, another was a bald person, and the third was a blind one. God wanted to test them, and sent one angel. The angel first went to the leper, and asked him, “What is the thing that you like the most?” He replied, “I should get back my complexion, and get a beautiful skin. And I want this curse of mine to be removed from me, because of which, people do not allow me to sit with them, and hate me. The angel rubbed his hand on his body. He recouped, and his skin became bright and beautiful, and he turned into a fair-complexioned person. Then the angel asked him, “What is the wealth that you like the most?” He replied, “I like a camel.”  The angel gave him a pregnant she-camel, and prayed to God to bless his camel with abundance.

Then the angel went to the bald person and asked, “What do you like the most?” He replied, “I should get very good hair on my head, and I should not remain bald. I should be relieved of this curse, because of which, people do not like me.” The angel moved his hand on his head. His baldness was gone and beautiful and profuse black hair appeared on his head. Then the angel asked him, “What wealth do you want?” He asked for a cow, and the angel gave him a pregnant cow, and prayed to God to bless his cow with abundance.

Then the angel went to the blind person and asked, “What do you like the most?” He replied, “I want that God should give me eyes and bless me with sight, such that I can see all people.” The angel moved his hand on his eyes. His blindness was gone and he was able to see with his eyes. Then the angel asked him, “What wealth do you want?” He asked for a goat, and the angel gave him a pregnant goat, and prayed to God to bless his goat with abundance.

God blessed the animals of all three people so much that their respective fields were full of their cattle,  in a very short span of time, and they all became highly affluent. Then, by order of God, the angel went to the leper with the same face, with which he had met him earlier, and said to the leper, “I am a poor person and I lost all my wealth and luggage in my journey. I have no means to reach my place other than God and you. I beg of you, in the name of the God, who blessed you with a bright and beautiful skin, to give me one camel such that I return to my place riding on it.” He said, “Get lost. I have so many obligations on me and have to take care of so many people, and there is no provision to give you anything from me.” The angel said, “I think that I know you. Were you not a leper once, because of which people used to hate you? And were you not a poor and indigent person, and then God blessed you with lot of wealth?” He replied, “What nonsense! My wealth has come to me from my rich and affluent ancestors. My father and forefathers used to be very rich people.” Then the angel said, “If you are lying, I pray to God to revert you to your old position.” Immediately God retuned him to his original position. Then the angel approached the bald person, and begged similarly, and he too gave the same answer. And the angel said, “If you are lying, may God, the Almighty, return you to your previous condition!” Instantly, he too lost his everything and was back to his original status.

The angel, then, approached the blind person, with the same face, with which he had met him first, and said, “I am a traveler and wayfarer. I lost everything of mine on the way. I have nobody to fall back upon, except God and you. I beg you in the name of the God, who restored your sight, to give me one goat, such that I can sell it and with that money commence my journey and reach my place and my people.” The blind person said, “Indeed I was a blind person. God has, out of His utmost kindness and Mercy, blessed me with sight again. You take as much as you want, and leave as much as you want. By God! I shall not deny you anything you want.” The angel said, “You keep all your wealth with you. I do not want anything from you. God only intended to test you. You came out successful and God is happy with you.”

God says,
 “For those who are thankful to Me, I give them far more.”

This story was narrated by Prophet (p).

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